The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is the major euro payments market in the European Economic Area, a major subject but seen too often only under the constraint

The deadlines are imminent and SEPA is necessary in the work schedule of the companies with many problems of standards and of compliance of the information systems, revision of the procedures and conformity of the contracts, …

The challenge of a successful SEPA preparation is precisely to put the inevitable constraint investments into an overall strategy designed to take full advantage of the advantages that SEPA can offer you: optimization and streamlining of flows, effective integration of European payment facilities, anticipation of the effects and reductions of risks related to new user and consumer rights under Directive on payment services EC / 2007/64, enhancement of customer relations, improvement of Commercial performance, use of payment data, …

CANTON-Consulting puts at your service its experience and its methodological tools in order to enable you to manage at a lower cost, in good coordination between all the actors needed to guarantee the success of the project, a migration that is a source of value creation, economic and commercial enrichment.