Les Nouvelles Dynamiques du Paiement (NDP) ® is the best watch tool on a world of payment in full transformation

Exclusively dedicated to payments and carried out independently by practitioners in the field, this professional and confidential letter brings you twice a month the essential to know to ensure the strategic steering of your activities, in 10 pages of multidisciplinary analyzes on all Relevant aspects.

To remain constantly in touch with all the transformations in progress, the CANTON Consulting team carries out a permanent watch. Who are the new actors? What are the regulatory developments? How will they be implemented? What will be their operational and strategic impact on business? What new opportunities do they have? What new trends in consumer habits and habits? By answering these questions, CANTON Consulting shares its knowledge with its clients since January 28, 2008, the date of launch of the SEPA and the publication of the first issue of our magazine.

Each issue brings together:

  • 5 pages on average, synthesis of a particular subject chosen for its concrete importance,
  • Decoding, thematic studies analyzing selected information in the news feed,
  • Benchmarks, briefs and information, not to miss anything about emerging trends, whether they concern technologies, practices, rules, jurisprudence or various innovations … in France, in the European Economic Area or in the world.

Tailor-made monitoring deliverables

Our deliverables reflect technological, commercial, competitive and regulatory developments in what we call “new payment dynamics”. As you know, the Community authorities have made a profound transformation of the payments economy in Europe (Directive on Payment Services (DSP 2007/64 / EC), consumer credit regulation, anti-money laundering Payments and electronic money, changes in supervisory mechanisms, 260/2012 / EU, etc.) and it is therefore essential to keep up-to-date with developments in the sector.

The development of an internal tool allows us to process a considerable amount of information of a great diversity (open sources, professional databases, conferences / seminars, wide professional network …).

This information selected, organized and analyzed by our industry experts will allow you to:

  • Be aware of technical, technological and regulatory developments
  • Identify new opportunities for development
  • Refine the knowledge of your competitive environment and anticipate its actions